GOOL BEAUTY REPORT: Miss Yassky proves that red is the hit on the lip scene this fall!
To get your eyeshadow on evenly, don't waste money on a expensive brush, just use the cheap cotton swab that comes with the damn drugstore powder (AVAILABLE AT DWAYNE WEED)
Remember our Chicago friends whose proposal we showed you on YOUTUBE? Well those Midwestern Mo's think they made better flight attendants than us GOOL-ies
GOOL personally thinks that the AUTHENTIC...
United Airlines uniforms are truly more of the moment. With the whole MOD dress look happening right now. JUST go to Barneys COOP and the whole store is FILLED with 'em.
The GOOL-ies also really thought their costumes through, with their pilot sidekicks!
Do those Midwestern Mo's really think they OUTDID us GOOL-ies? What? with their cheap Ricky's purchased costumes, and their ungroomed, cheap looking horsey wigs, and their almay drugstore and their scratchy adn their red satin pumps that look more like eveningwear than shoes appropriate for the "workplace." Hey, we have to cut them some slack though! They're from Chicago, what do they know about STYLE?
This calls for a POLL!
The amazing event planner who was responsible for the War-Hallowween party that GOOL co-hosted was quite a hit himself!
SOMEONE had a bikini wax!
GOOL personally thinks that the AUTHENTIC...
United Airlines uniforms are truly more of the moment. With the whole MOD dress look happening right now. JUST go to Barneys COOP and the whole store is FILLED with 'em.
The GOOL-ies also really thought their costumes through, with their pilot sidekicks!
Do those Midwestern Mo's really think they OUTDID us GOOL-ies? What? with their cheap Ricky's purchased costumes, and their ungroomed, cheap looking horsey wigs, and their almay drugstore and their scratchy adn their red satin pumps that look more like eveningwear than shoes appropriate for the "workplace." Hey, we have to cut them some slack though! They're from Chicago, what do they know about STYLE?
This calls for a POLL!
The amazing event planner who was responsible for the War-Hallowween party that GOOL co-hosted was quite a hit himself!
SOMEONE had a bikini wax!
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